Spiritual Soul Shizzle – Welcome!

Welcome to Soul Shizzle – your spiritual pathway. Let me introduce myself….my name is Sarah. I am married with three children. We have two dogs named Jack & Ruby, as well as a cat named Moshi and what feels like, a billion fish all named Fred.

I have many qualifications which include being Reiki Master, Soul Realignment Practitioner, Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, and a Certified Master Life Coach. There are also more practical qualifications in Financial Planning such as superannuation and investing, Personal and General Insurances, Mortgages, Loans and Real Estate with me being in the Financial Services industry for twenty years. So, as you can see, my life and career have been predominantly focused on the practical side of life. However, that was until I decided that it was time to accept my spiritual path. At this point in time, I have seen and experienced too many spiritual anomalies to ignore the spiritual world any further.

Believe me, I thought long and hard about putting together Soul Shizzle and decided to do it after finishing reading a spiritual book which I found very underwhelming. However, upon starting Soul Shizzle I realised I was scared. Terrified, actually. Fear had me tight in its grasp (thank you ego) and held me back because I was thinking:

‘Why would anyone want to read anything I have written’,
‘I really don’t know what I am talking about’
‘Everyone already knows this stuff’ and
‘Who am I to help people on their spiritual path when I am still on my own journey’.

In saying all of that, I am a self-confessed imposter syndrome recoveree, the spiritual development journey never ends, and you will never ‘know it all’. If you did know it all, spiritually speaking, you would have moved from this incarnation as there would be nothing left to learn. Plus, I love spiritual development. Spiritual development just makes sense to me.

And in fact, the more you know, the more you realise you do not know because there is just that much in it. The more you learn, the more you need to learn and, in all honesty, the more you want to learn. Spiritual development is a very humbling experience, in my opinion.

I knew I wanted to create a resource for people just beginning their spiritual journey. To let them know they are not alone, and many people have begun and are currently on this path. There is so much in it and everyone’s spiritual journey is different. Soul Shizzle will cover some of the basics and give you a safe stepping stone into the beauty and rawness of spiritual growth and development. So please, and with anything in life, take what you need and leave the rest.

Spiritual growth is raw, it can be messy, and it will bring up things about yourself that will make you uncomfortable. It will make you feel somewhat lost, however, it is important to know that the only way out is in. That is the beauty of it. Spiritual development is the only way you can find yourself, who you really are.

Personally, my spiritual journey started as a child. I first started seeing and hearing spirits as a young child and I would often get inundated by them at all times of the day and night. I recall experiencing astral travel at this age as well which I used to use as an escape from reality. However, by about age nine, I became scared of what I could see and hear as children do around this age. I started the mental journey of ignoring them and shutting them out. I did not want to see or hear spirit anymore because it became too much!

For the next thirty odd years, and although I would still see spirits occasionally as they would often just appear in front of me which would take me by surprise, I had pretty much blocked them from my life. However, I still knew they were there, just waiting for me to wake up to myself and let them back in.

Knowing deep down and no matter how much I tried to ignore it; my true path is a spiritual path. It just kept pulling me back into its grasp. I have tried so desperately hard to forge a path in more practical fields. While I knew I wanted to help people; my direction has been completely mislaid. It was only when, at my absolute wits end about what I was supposed to be doing with my life, I received a stern lecture from spirit that I finally listened.

To summarise my spiritual kick in the butt: I had booked a session with a medium who I had heard nothing but positive reviews from. I was placed on her wait list. After about a month or so, I got a call that she had had a cancellation. They asked if would I like the spot. I jumped at the opportunity only to arrive, sit down and be told I was not going to receive a reading but instead spirit wanted me to listen up because they had had enough of me ignoring my abilities and my true path and purpose (it wasn’t the first time I had been told I had a strong spiritual connection). Anyway, after that shocking hour of my life with the medium and not knowing whether to laugh or cry at the end, I decided it was time. Time to embrace the known unknown.

Now, as much as I love the concept of spirituality, I do not like the ‘in your face, airy-fairy’ side of it. As humans, we are naturally practical beings because of how our minds work. For many of us, we need to know why things work the way they do. Or at least an inkling of why they work. Without a doubt, I believe spirituality makes us who we are because it is who we care. Many people on this journey take it way too far and lose or hide themselves within it. It is like it is their way of escaping their reality. This really does not serve them or their overall life process.

In truth, we are to gracefully coexist and expand with our spiritual self and not hide behind it.

Thank you for visiting Soul Shizzle. I will be forever grateful and am humbled that you chose me to help you on your journey. This website is based on my beliefs, experience, and knowledge. It is not the be-all and end-all of spiritual development. It has purely been created to help you take the next steps in your journey.

Hopefully, Soul Shizzle brings some clarity into your life and your spiritual development journey. Please just know that you are not alone. Your teacher will always be there when the time is right. They will show up in various forms (physical, written or otherwise). When a physical teacher is not there, a written teacher will be. Trust me on that one.

Please do not compare your journey to another’s journey because every person’s journey is different. No-one is ahead of or behind anyone else in this journey. We all grow at our own pace. No-one is better than anyone else. And lastly, be patient with yourself and be open to the unknown.

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Sarah Lee

Welcome to Soul Shizzle, your sanctuary for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and holistic well-being. Dive into a world of ancient wisdom, modern insights, and transformative practices as we journey together towards inner peace, divine connection, and soulful fulfillment.